Image of man's shoes as he looks down at his reflection in a puddle


Intensives offer a unique opportunity for clients seeking concentrated and transformative growth within a condensed timeframe spanning a few days.  Whether you’re looking to delve deeper into a specific facet of your story or seeking an alternative to weekly counseling, an intensive might be a good option for you.

These focused experiences enable you to accelerate your progress by engaging in multiple hours of therapy each day.  Your therapist will work with you to develop a unique plan for your intensive, including thoughtfully created exercises and activities that will help amplify the impact of your counseling sessions.

Our team customizes each intensive to align with your objectives, ensuring purposeful and meaningful time will be spent.  After your sessions, your therapist will equip you with a comprehensive after-care plan upon your return home, empowering you to continue to grow beyond your intensive.

The pricing of intensives is determined based on the amount of time dedicated to your sessions.  If you’re interested in learning more about intensives, reach out to one of our staff today.  We’d be happy to talk through any questions you might have.